Terms of Service for Vendors

When you list on Learning.CorporateTrainerConnect.com, you have agreed to the following fees and terms for listing as a vendor on the site for the various options are as follow:
A) Charges for products sold on the website:
1) Webinars/ Events/ Online Course with your own platform:
Twenty percent (20%) of the list price of your webinar/ event/ online course.  This charge is for the promotional ads, Paypal charges (usually bet 4 to 7% depending on countries), admin and website hosting charges.
2) Online Course utilizing CorporateTrainerConnect.com (CTC) platform:
You’ll need to sign up as an Executive Member of the CTC platform : (US$9.90/mth).  As an Executive Member of the platform, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:
  1. Be featured on the first page of the CTC platform
  2. Priority in promotion of your profile and courses on social media marketing and ads, and electronic direct mail (EDM) to our customer database.
  3. Access to create your online course on the Disprz platform without charges.
Addition charges for the sale of your online course
a) Heightsplatform (https://www.heightsplatform.com/)
  • Twenty percent (20%) of the list price of your online course.  This is the cover for the promotional ads, Paypal charges (usually bet 4 to 7% depending on countries), admin and website and platform hosting charges.
  • We will upload your e-learning content for you on our registered heightsplatform and manage registration, access and learning progress for you.
  • if you need help in the creation of the e-learning content, there will be no upfront charge, instead a % of the e-learning course of between 40 to 70% (depending on the amount of work needed) will be charged for the first 40 online courses sold.  Afterwhich, it’ll revert back to 20% off the list price of the product.
b) Disprz LMS platform – Mobile and Web App available (https://www.disprz.com/)
  • 30% off the list price of your online course – learners will have 3 months’ access on the platform (Disprz charges Trilogy per user/ per month).  If you need to have a one year access for your user, please let us know and we can work out a suitable percentage.  This is to cover for the promotional ads, Paypal charges (usually bet 4 to 7% depending on countries), admin and website and platform hosting charges.
  • We will upload your e-learning content for you on our Trilogy-Disprz platform and manage registration, access, and learning progress for you.  With the Disprz platform, you can have 3 ways to engage your learners: self-paced course, interactive videos, live modules with polls and whiteboard, and track learner progress through analytics, engage learners via buzz post and chats as well.   We’re also working on having you to upload your own content as well in the future.
  • If you need help in the creation of the e-learning content, there will be no upfront charge, instead a % of the e-learning course of between 40 to 70% (depending on the amount of work needed) will be charged for the first 40 online courses sold.  Afterwhich, it’ll revert back to 30% off the list price of the product.
B) Payment Schedule
  1. Payment, less charges from learning.corporatetrainerconnect.com as specified in Part A and subject to a minimum of S$100, will be made out to you at the end of each month, or
  2. Payment, less charges from learning.corporatetrainerconnect.com as specified in Part A, upon accrual to S$100 will be made out to you at the end of the month.
  3. Please provide us with the name and account number of the bank to transfer payments to.
C)  Information Required
  1. Name of your program: online course, webinar, coaching or event.
  2. Description of your program
    • this is meant for promotion of your program on our social media platforms
    • why is it different from other offerings?
  3. Date and Duration of Program  (due to the current Covid-19 crisis – most are offering good deals to attract clientele).  You may want to consider breaking up your 1 full-day webinar to a few days, I believe research has shown that it’ll be difficult to continuously engage for more than 120 min per session).  If it’s a series, please provide all the dates and duration of each session
  4. Expected Learning Outcome
  5. Target Audience
  6. List Price of Webinar, any early bird offers. (US$), since we’re targeting potential clients in the region.
  7. Name the platform that you’ll be hosting the webinar (eg. Zoom, etc)
  8. Any information you’ll require from them for the webinar
  9. When you will follow up and email them with the access and password to attend the webinar.
  10. Any other information or notification to the learners who purchase your webinar.