Leadership During Crisis (FREE online summit series)


Leadership during Crisis | Sharing Inspiring Stories

Leadership during Crisis


With the COVID-19 crisis creating turmoil not only for businesses but also for individuals who may be thrown into financial or emotional turmoil, we aim to share inspiring stories of 30 outstanding individuals, entrepreneurs and business leaders across 10 countries to help overcome this crisis together.  Watch how these outstanding individuals conquer their personal or business crisis and learn how each is creating strategies to move forward in this new economy.


ADD TO CART NOW and watch a total of 30  episodes for this summit series for FREE.


Leadership during Crisis | Sharing Inspiring Stories


Leadership During Crisis


With the current Covid-19 crisis creating turmoil not only for businesses but also for individuals who may be thrown into financial or emotional turmoil, we aim to share inspiring stories of individuals and leaders to help overcome this crisis together.


Add to Cart NOW and watch a total of 30  episodes for this summit series for FREE.  Here’s a glimpse of the 1st 3 episodes in the series.

Episode 1 – Thrive Even When You’re In Debt (Mr. Arthur Carmazzi – Indonesia)

Arthur Carmazzi

What’s in this Episode? Learn how Arthur Carmazzi, a Top 10 Global Leadership guru, got out of half a million of debt and founded Directive Communication Psychology. Hear how he is charging ahead and thriving online even when Covid-19 put him in debt again.

Click here to read about Arthur Carmazzihttps://effectiveasianleadership.com/overcoming-emotional-crisis/

Episode 2 – Overcoming Emotional Crisis

What’s in this Episode?  Learn how 3 outstanding individuals deal with with fear and anxiety head-on during crisis.

How Fear & Anxiety  Can Impact Us –  Ms. Rafiya Sultana (Singapore).

Moving From A Victim To A Survival Mindset – Ms. Srijata Bhatnagar  (India)

Our Experience Refine Us –  Mr. Avi Liran  (Singapore)

Click here to read about our guests: https://effectiveasianleadership.com/overcoming-emotional-crisis/

Episode 3 – Things Went From Beautiful To Hell Overnight (Mr. Mukul Deva – Singapore)

Mukul Deva

What’s in this Episode?  Learn how Mukul pull through the ’97 Financial Crisis even when he wasn’t sure how he was going to survive with 300 employees under his care and was newly divorced with two young children.  Pick up tips from Mukul’s crisis recovery process that he has utilized to help numerous clients.

Click here to read about Mukul Deva:https://effectiveasianleadership.com/leadership-during-crisis-overcoming-personal-crisis-episode-3/